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Annotation of ircnowd/contrib/ngircd.spec, Revision 1.1

1.1     ! tomglok     1: %define name    ngircd
        !             2: %define version 26.1
        !             3: %define release 1
        !             4: %define prefix  %{_prefix}
        !             5:
        !             6: Summary:      A lightweight daemon for the Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
        !             7: Name:         %{name}
        !             8: Version:      %{version}
        !             9: Release:      %{release}
        !            10: License:      GPLv2+
        !            11: Group:        System Environment/Daemons
        !            12: URL:          http://ngircd.barton.de/
        !            13: Source:       %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
        !            14: BuildRoot:    %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
        !            15: BuildRequires:  zlib-devel, openssl-devel
        !            16:
        !            17: %description
        !            18: ngIRCd is a free, portable and lightweight Internet Relay Chat server for small
        !            19: or private networks, developed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
        !            20:
        !            21: The server is quite easy to configure, can handle dynamic IP addresses, and
        !            22: optionally supports IDENT, IPv6 connections, SSL-protected links, and PAM for
        !            23: user authentication as well as character set conversion for legacy clients. The
        !            24: server has been written from scratch and is not based on the forefather, the
        !            25: daemon of IRCNet.
        !            26:
        !            27:
        !            28: %prep
        !            29: %setup -q
        !            30: %build
        !            31: %configure \
        !            32:   --with-zlib \
        !            33:   --with-openssl
        !            34:
        !            35: make %{?_smp_mflags}
        !            36:
        !            37: %install
        !            38: [ -n "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" -a "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != / ] && rm -rf "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"
        !            39: %makeinstall
        !            40: (
        !            41:    cd "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"
        !            42:    ( cd usr/sbin; mv *-ngircd ngircd )
        !            43:    ( cd usr/share/man/man5; mv *-ngircd.conf.5 ngircd.conf.5 )
        !            44:    ( cd usr/share/man/man8; mv *-ngircd.8 ngircd.8 )
        !            45:    rm -fr usr/share/doc/ngircd
        !            46: )
        !            47:
        !            48: %clean
        !            49: [ -n "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" -a "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != / ] && rm -rf "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"
        !            50:
        !            51: %files
        !            52: %defattr(755,root,root)
        !            53: %doc AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog INSTALL.md NEWS README.md doc/*
        !            54: %config(noreplace) /etc
        !            55: %{_prefix}/sbin
        !            56: %{_mandir}/man5/ngircd.conf*
        !            57: %{_mandir}/man8/ngircd.8*
