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Annotation of ircnowd/doc/PAM.txt, Revision 1.1

1.1     ! tomglok     1:
        !             2:                      ngIRCd - Next Generation IRC Server
        !             3:                            http://ngircd.barton.de/
        !             4:
        !             5:                (c)2001-2013 Alexander Barton and Contributors.
        !             6:                ngIRCd is free software and published under the
        !             7:                    terms of the GNU General Public License.
        !             8:
        !             9:                                  -- PAM.txt --
        !            10:
        !            11:
        !            12: ngIRCd can optionally be compiled to use PAM, the Pluggable Authentication
        !            13: Modules library, for user authentication. When compiled with PAM support,
        !            14: ngIRCd will authenticate all users connecting to the daemon using the
        !            15: configured PAM modules in an asynchronous child process.
        !            16:
        !            17: To enable PAM, you have to pass the command line parameter "--with-pam" to
        !            18: the "configure" script. Please see the PAM documentation ("man 7 pam") for
        !            19: details and information about configuring PAM and its individual modules.
        !            20:
        !            21: A very simple -- and quite useless ;-) -- example would be:
        !            22:
        !            23:        /etc/pam.d/ngircd:
        !            24:          auth  required  pam_debug.so
        !            25:
        !            26: Here the "pam_debug" module will be called each time a client connects to
        !            27: the ngIRCd and has sent its PASS, NICK, and USER commands.
        !            28:
        !            29: The PAM library used by the ngIRCd daemon must be able to access its
        !            30: configuration file, so don't forget to check permissions and run something
        !            31: like this: "chmod 644 /etc/pam.d/ngircd".
        !            32:
        !            33: Please note ONE VERY IMPORTANT THING:
        !            34:
        !            35: All the PAM modules are executed with the privileges of the user ngIRCd
        !            36: is running as. Therefore a lot of PAM modules aren't working as expected,
        !            37: because they need root privileges ("pam_unix", for example)!
        !            38: Only PAM modules not(!) requiring root privileges (such as "pam_pgsql",
        !            39: "pam_mysql", "pam_opendirectory" ...) can be used in conjunction with ngIRCd.
        !            40:
        !            41: More Examples:
        !            42:
        !            43:  * Use an own "password file" for ngIRCd:
        !            44:
        !            45:    Note: you can use the htpasswd(1) utility of Apache to manage password
        !            46:    files used by pam_pwdfile, see "man htpasswd"!
        !            47:
        !            48:        /etc/pam.d/ngircd:
        !            49:          auth  required  pam_pwdfile.so pwdfile=/etc/ngircd/ngircd.passwd
