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Annotation of ircnowd/doc/Protocol.txt, Revision 1.1

1.1     ! tomglok     1:
        !             2:                      ngIRCd - Next Generation IRC Server
        !             3:                            http://ngircd.barton.de/
        !             4:
        !             5:                (c)2001-2019 Alexander Barton and Contributors.
        !             6:                ngIRCd is free software and published under the
        !             7:                    terms of the GNU General Public License.
        !             8:
        !             9:                               -- Protocol.txt --
        !            10:
        !            11:
        !            12: I. Compatibility
        !            13: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        !            14:
        !            15: The ngIRCd implements the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol version 2.10
        !            16: as defined in RFC ("request for comment") 1459 and 2810-2813. These (and
        !            17: probably further relevant RFCs) are listed in doc/RFC.txt.
        !            18:
        !            19: Unfortunately, even the "original" ircd doesn't follow these specifications
        !            20: in all details. But because the ngIRCd should be a fully compatible
        !            21: replacement for this server ("ircd") it tries to emulate these differences.
        !            22:
        !            23: If you don't like this behavior please ./configure the ngIRCd using the
        !            24: "--enable-strict-rfc" command line option. But keep in mind: not all IRC
        !            25: clients are compatible with a server configured that way, some can't even
        !            26: connect at all! Therefore this option usually isn't desired for "normal
        !            27: server operation".
        !            28:
        !            29: In addition, ngIRCd implements some "IRCv3" features. This includes:
        !            30:  - IRCv3 Client Capability Negotiation
        !            31:  - IRCv3.1 multi-prefix Extension
        !            32:  - IRCv3.2 userhost-in-names Extension
        !            33: Please see the IRCv3 homepage for more information: <https://ircv3.net>.
        !            34:
        !            35:
        !            36: II. The IRC+ Protocol
        !            37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        !            38:
        !            39: Starting with version 0.5.0, the ngIRCd extends the original IRC protocol
        !            40: as defined in RFC 2810-2813. This enhanced protocol is named "IRC+". It is
        !            41: backwards compatible to the "plain" IRC protocol and will only be used by
        !            42: the ngIRCd if it detects that the peer supports it as well.
        !            43:
        !            44: The "PASS" command is used to detect the protocol and peer versions see
        !            45: RFC 2813 (section 4.1.1) and below.
        !            46:
        !            47:
        !            48: II.1 Register new server link
        !            49:
        !            50:      Command: PASS
        !            51:   Parameters: <password> <version> <flags> [<options>]
        !            52:      Used by: servers only (with these parameters)
        !            53:
        !            54: <password> is the password for this new server link as defined in the server
        !            55: configuration which is sent to the peer or received from it.
        !            56:
        !            57: <version> consists of two parts and is at least 4, at most 14 characters
        !            58: long: the first four bytes contain the IRC protocol version number, whereas
        !            59: the first two bytes represent the major version, the last two bytes the
        !            60: minor version (the string "0210" indicates version 2.10, e.g.).
        !            61:
        !            62: The following optional(!) 10 bytes contain an implementation-dependent
        !            63: version number. Servers supporting the IRC+ protocol as defined in this
        !            64: document provide the string "-IRC+" here.
        !            65:
        !            66: Example for <version>: "0210-IRC+".
        !            67:
        !            68: <flags> consists of two parts separated with the character "|" and is at
        !            69: most 100 bytes long. The first part contains the name of the implementation
        !            70: (ngIRCd sets this to "ngircd", the original ircd to "IRC", e.g.). The second
        !            71: part is implementation-dependent and should only be parsed if the peer
        !            72: supports the IRC+ protocol as well. In this case the following syntax is
        !            73: used: "<serverversion>[:<serverflags>]".
        !            74:
        !            75: <serverversion> is an ASCII representation of the clear-text server version
        !            76: number, <serverflags> indicates the supported IRC+ protocol extensions (and
        !            77: may be empty!).
        !            78:
        !            79: The following <serverflags> are defined at the moment:
        !            80:
        !            81: - C: The server supports the CHANINFO command.
        !            82:
        !            83: - L: INVITE- and BAN-lists should be synchronized between servers: if the
        !            84:      peer understands this flag, it will send "MODE +I" and "MODE +b"
        !            85:      commands after the server link has been established.
        !            86:
        !            87: - H: The server supports the "enhanced server handshake", see section II.2
        !            88:      for a detailed description.
        !            89:
        !            90: - M: Changing client "metadata" (hostname, real name, ...) using the
        !            91:      METADATA command is supported.
        !            92:
        !            93: - o: IRC operators are allowed to change channel- and channel-user-modes
        !            94:      even if they aren't channel-operator of the affected channel.
        !            95:
        !            96: - S: The server supports the SERVICE command (on this link).
        !            97:
        !            98: - X: Server supports XOP channel modes (owner, admin, halfop) and supports
        !            99:      these user prefixes in CHANINFO commands, for example.
        !           100:
        !           101: - Z: Compressed server links are supported by the server.
        !           102:
        !           103: Example for a complete <flags> string: "ngircd|0.7.5:CZ".
        !           104:
        !           105: The optional parameter <options> is used to propagate server options as
        !           106: defined in RFC 2813, section 4.1.1.
        !           107:
        !           108:
        !           109: II.2 Enhanced Server Handshake
        !           110:
        !           111: The "enhanced server handshake" is used when both servers support this IRC+
        !           112: extension, which is indicated by the 'H' flag in the <serverflags> sent with
        !           113: the PASS command, see section II.1.
        !           114:
        !           115: It basically means, that after exchanging the PASS and SERVER commands the
        !           116: server is not registered in the network (as usual), but that IRC numerics
        !           117: are exchanged until the numeric 376 (ENDOFMOTD) is received. Afterwards the
        !           118: peer is registered in the network as with the regular IRC protocol.
        !           119:
        !           120: A server implementing the enhanced server handshake (and indicating this
        !           121: using 'H' in the <serverflags>) MUST ignore all unknown numerics to it
        !           122: silently.
        !           123:
        !           124: In addition, such a server should at least send the numeric 005 (ISUPPORT)
        !           125: to its peer, containing the following information. Syntax: <key>=<value>,
        !           126: one token per IRC parameter. If the server has to send more than 12 token
        !           127: it must send separate ISUPPORT numerics (this is a limitation of the IRC
        !           128: protocol which allows at max 15 arguments per command).
        !           129:
        !           130:  - NICKLEN: Maximum nickname length. Default: 9.
        !           131:  - CASEMAPPING: Case mapping used for nick- and channel name comparing.
        !           132:    Default: "ascii", the chars [a-z] are lowercase of [A-Z].
        !           133:  - PREFIX: List of channel modes a person can get and the respective prefix
        !           134:    a channel or nickname will get in case the person has it. The order of the
        !           135:    modes goes from most powerful to least powerful. Default: "(ov)@+"
        !           136:  - CHANTYPES: Supported channel prefixes. Default: "#".
        !           137:  - CHANMODES: List of channel modes for 4 types, separated by comma (","):
        !           138:    Mode that adds or removes a nick or address to a list, mode that changes
        !           139:    a setting (both have always has a parameter), mode that changes a setting
        !           140:    and only has a parameter when set, and mode that changes a setting and
        !           141:    never has a parameter. For example "bI,k,l,imnPst".
        !           142:  - CHANLIMIT: Maximum number of channels allowed to join by channel prefix,
        !           143:    for example "#:10".
        !           144:
        !           145: Please see <http://www.irc.org/tech_docs/005.html> for details.
        !           146:
        !           147: The information exchanged using ISUPPORT can be used to detect configuration
        !           148: incompatibilities (different maximum nickname length, for example) and
        !           149: therefore to disconnect the peer prior to registering it in the network.
        !           150:
        !           151:
        !           152: II.3 Exchange channel-modes, topics, and persistent channels
        !           153:
        !           154:      Command: CHANINFO
        !           155:   Parameters: <channel> +<modes> [[<key> <limit>] <topic>]
        !           156:      Used by: servers only
        !           157:
        !           158: CHANINFO is used by servers to inform each other about a channel: its
        !           159: modes, channel key, user limits and its topic. The parameter combination
        !           160: <key> and <limit> is optional, as well as the <topic> parameter, so that
        !           161: there are three possible forms of this command:
        !           162:
        !           163:   CHANINFO <channel> +<modes>
        !           164:   CHANINFO <channel> +<modes> <topic>
        !           165:   CHANINFO <channel> +<modes> <key> <limit> <topic>
        !           166:
        !           167: If the channel already exists on the server receiving the CHANINFO command,
        !           168: it only adopts the <modes> (or the <topic>) if there are no modes (or topic)
        !           169: already set. It there are already values set the server ignores the
        !           170: corresponding parameter.
        !           171:
        !           172: If the channel doesn't exists at all it will be created.
        !           173:
        !           174: The parameter <key> must be ignored if a channel has no key (the parameter
        !           175: <modes> doesn't list the "k" channel mode). In this case <key> should
        !           176: contain "*" because the parameter <key> is required by the CHANINFO syntax
        !           177: and therefore can't be omitted. The parameter <limit> must be ignored when
        !           178: a channel has no user limit (the parameter <modes> doesn't list the "l"
        !           179: channel mode). In this case <limit> should be "0".
        !           180:
        !           181:
        !           182: II.4 Update webchat/proxy client information
        !           183:
        !           184:      Command: WEBIRC
        !           185:   Parameters: <password> <username> <hostname> <ip-address> [<ignored>]
        !           186:      Used by: unregistered clients only
        !           187:
        !           188: The WEBIRC command is used by some Web-to-IRC gateways to set the correct
        !           189: user name and host name of users instead of their own. It must be the very
        !           190: first command sent to the server, even before USER and NICK commands!
        !           191:
        !           192: The <password> must be set in the server configuration file to prevent
        !           193: unauthorized clients to fake their identity; it is an arbitrary string.
        !           194:
        !           195: Optionally, a 5th parameter is accepted to comply with an IRCv3 extension,
        !           196: see <https://github.com/ircv3/ircv3-ideas/issues/12>, but ignored.
        !           197:
        !           198:
        !           199: II.5 Client character encoding conversion
        !           200:
        !           201:      Command: CHARCONV
        !           202:   Parameters: <client-charset>
        !           203:      Used by: registered clients
        !           204:      Replies: RPL_IP_CHARCONV, ERR_IP_CHARCONV
        !           205:
        !           206: A client can set its character set encoding using the CHARCONV command:
        !           207: after receiving such a command, the server translates all message data
        !           208: received from the client using the set <client-charset> to the server
        !           209: encoding (UTF-8), and all message data which is to be sent to the client
        !           210: from the server encoding (UTF-8) to <client-charset>.
        !           211:
        !           212: The list of supported client character sets is implementation dependent.
        !           213:
        !           214: If a client sets its <client-charset> to the server encoding (UTF-8),
        !           215: it disables all conversions; the connection behaves as if no CHARCONV
        !           216: command has been sent at all in this session.
        !           217:
        !           218:
        !           219: II.6 Update client "metadata"
        !           220:
        !           221:      Command: METADATA
        !           222:   Parameters: <target> <key> <value>
        !           223:      Used by: servers only
        !           224:
        !           225: The METADATA command is used on server-links to update "metadata" information
        !           226: of clients, like the hostname, the info text ("real name"), or the user name.
        !           227:
        !           228: The server updates its client database according to the received <key> and
        !           229: <value> parameters, and passes the METADATA command on to all the other
        !           230: servers in the network that support this command (see section II.1 "Register
        !           231: new server link", <serverflag> "M"), even if it doesn't support the given
        !           232: <key> itself: unknown <key> names are ignored silently!
        !           233:
        !           234: The following <key> names are defined:
        !           235:
        !           236:  - "accountname": the account name of a client (can't be empty)
        !           237:  - "certfp": the certificate fingerprint of a client (can't be empty)
        !           238:  - "cloakhost": the cloaked hostname of a client
        !           239:  - "host": the hostname of a client (can't be empty)
        !           240:  - "info": info text ("real name") of a client
        !           241:  - "user": the user name of a client (can't be empty)
        !           242:
        !           243:
        !           244: III. Numerics used by IRC+ Protocol
        !           245: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        !           246:
        !           247: The IRC+ protocol uses numerics in the range 800-899 which aren't used by
        !           248: RFC 2812 and hopefully don't clash with other implementations ...
        !           249:
        !           250: Numerics 800-849 are used for status and success messages, and numerics
        !           251: 850-899 are failure and error messages.
        !           252:
        !           253:
        !           254: III.1 IRC+ status and success numerics
        !           255:
        !           256: 801 - RPL_IP_CHARCONV
        !           257:        %1 :Client encoding set"
        !           258:
        !           259:                %1      client character set
        !           260:
        !           261:
        !           262: III.2 IRC+ failure and error numerics
        !           263:
        !           264: 851 - ERR_IP_CHARCONV
        !           265:        :Can't initialize client encoding
