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Annotation of ircnowd/src/ngircd/client.h, Revision

1.1       tomglok     1: /*
                      2:  * ngIRCd -- The Next Generation IRC Daemon
                      3:  * Copyright (c)2001-2013 Alexander Barton (alex@barton.de) and Contributors.
                      4:  *
                      5:  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
                      6:  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
                      7:  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
                      8:  * (at your option) any later version.
                      9:  * Please read the file COPYING, README and AUTHORS for more information.
                     10:  */
                     12: #ifndef __client_h__
                     13: #define __client_h__
                     15: /**
                     16:  * @file
                     17:  * Client management (header)
                     18:  */
                     20: #define CLIENT_UNKNOWN         0x0001  /* connection of unknown type */
                     21: #define CLIENT_GOTPASS         0x0002  /* client did send PASS */
                     22: #define CLIENT_GOTNICK         0x0004  /* client did send NICK */
                     23: #define CLIENT_GOTUSER         0x0008  /* client did send USER */
                     24: #define CLIENT_USER            0x0010  /* client is an IRC user */
                     25: #define CLIENT_SERVER          0x0020  /* client is a server */
                     26: #define CLIENT_SERVICE         0x0040  /* client is a service */
                     27: #define CLIENT_UNKNOWNSERVER   0x0080  /* unregistered server connection */
                     28: #define CLIENT_GOTPASS_2813    0x0100  /* client did send PASS, RFC 2813 style */
                     29: #ifndef STRICT_RFC
                     30: # define CLIENT_WAITAUTHPING   0x0200  /* waiting for AUTH PONG from client */
                     31: #endif
                     32: #define CLIENT_WAITCAPEND      0x0400  /* waiting for "CAP END" command */
                     33: #define CLIENT_ANY             0xFFFF
                     35: #define CLIENT_TYPE int
                     37: #include "defines.h"
                     39: #if defined(__client_c__) | defined(__client_cap_c__) | defined(S_SPLINT_S)
                     41: typedef struct _CLIENT
                     42: {
                     43:        time_t starttime;               /* Start time of link */
                     44:        char id[CLIENT_ID_LEN];         /* nick (user) / ID (server) */
                     45:        UINT32 hash;                    /* hash of lower-case ID */
                     46:        POINTER *next;                  /* pointer to next client structure */
                     47:        CLIENT_TYPE type;               /* type of client, see CLIENT_xxx */
                     48:        CONN_ID conn_id;                /* ID of the connection (if local) or NONE (remote) */
                     49:        struct _CLIENT *introducer;     /* ID of the servers which the client is connected to */
                     50:        struct _CLIENT *topserver;      /* toplevel servers (only valid if client is a server) */
                     51:        char host[CLIENT_HOST_LEN];     /* hostname of the client */
                     52:        char *cloaked;                  /* cloaked hostname of the client */
                     53:        char *ipa_text;                 /* textual representaton of IP address */
                     54:        char user[CLIENT_USER_LEN];     /* user name ("login") */
                     55: #if defined(PAM)
                     56:        char orig_user[CLIENT_AUTHUSER_LEN];
                     57:                                        /* original user name supplied by USER command */
                     58: #endif
                     59:        char info[CLIENT_INFO_LEN];     /* long user name (user) / info text (server) */
                     60:        char modes[CLIENT_MODE_LEN];    /* client modes */
                     61:        int hops, token, mytoken;       /* "hops" and "Token" (see SERVER command) */
                     62:        char *away;                     /* AWAY text (valid if mode 'a' is set) */
                     63:        char flags[CLIENT_FLAGS_LEN];   /* flags of the client */
                     64:        char *account_name;             /* login account (for services) */
                     65:        int capabilities;               /* enabled IRC capabilities */
                     66: } CLIENT;
                     68: #else
                     70: typedef POINTER CLIENT;
                     72: #endif
                     75: typedef struct _WHOWAS
                     76: {
                     77:        time_t time;                    /* time stamp of entry or 0 if unused */
                     78:        char id[CLIENT_NICK_LEN];       /* client nickname */
                     79:        char host[CLIENT_HOST_LEN];     /* hostname of the client */
                     80:        char user[CLIENT_USER_LEN];     /* user name ("login") */
                     81:        char info[CLIENT_INFO_LEN];     /* long user name */
                     82:        char server[CLIENT_HOST_LEN];   /* server name */
                     83: } WHOWAS;
                     86: GLOBAL void Client_Init PARAMS(( void ));
                     87: GLOBAL void Client_Exit PARAMS(( void ));
                     89: GLOBAL CLIENT *Client_NewLocal PARAMS(( CONN_ID Idx, const char *Hostname, int Type, bool Idented ));
                     90: GLOBAL CLIENT *Client_NewRemoteServer PARAMS(( CLIENT *Introducer, const char *Hostname, CLIENT *TopServer, int Hops, int Token, const char *Info, bool Idented ));
                     91: GLOBAL CLIENT *Client_NewRemoteUser PARAMS(( CLIENT *Introducer, const char *Nick, int Hops, const char *User, const char *Hostname, int Token, const char *Modes, const char *Info, bool Idented ));
                     93: GLOBAL void Client_Destroy PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client, const char *LogMsg, const char *FwdMsg, bool SendQuit ));
                     95: GLOBAL CLIENT *Client_ThisServer PARAMS(( void ));
                     97: GLOBAL CLIENT *Client_GetFromToken PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client, int Token ));
                     99: GLOBAL bool Client_Announce PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client, CLIENT *Prefix, CLIENT *User ));
                    101: GLOBAL CLIENT *Client_Search PARAMS(( const char *ID ));
                    102: GLOBAL CLIENT *Client_SearchServer PARAMS(( const char *ID ));
                    103: GLOBAL CLIENT *Client_First PARAMS(( void ));
                    104: GLOBAL CLIENT *Client_Next PARAMS(( CLIENT *c ));
                    106: GLOBAL int Client_Type PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client ));
                    107: GLOBAL CONN_ID Client_Conn PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client ));
                    108: GLOBAL char *Client_ID PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client ));
                    109: GLOBAL char *Client_Mask PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client ));
                    110: GLOBAL char *Client_MaskCloaked PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client ));
                    111: GLOBAL char *Client_Info PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client ));
                    112: GLOBAL char *Client_User PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client ));
                    113: #ifdef PAM
                    114: GLOBAL char *Client_OrigUser PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client ));
                    115: #endif
                    116: GLOBAL char *Client_Hostname PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client ));
                    117: GLOBAL char *Client_HostnameCloaked PARAMS((CLIENT *Client));
                    118: GLOBAL char *Client_HostnameDisplayed PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client ));
                    119: GLOBAL const char *Client_IPAText PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client ));
                    120: GLOBAL char *Client_Modes PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client ));
                    121: GLOBAL char *Client_Flags PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client ));
                    122: GLOBAL CLIENT *Client_Introducer PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client ));
                    123: GLOBAL int Client_Hops PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client ));
                    124: GLOBAL int Client_Token PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client ));
                    125: GLOBAL int Client_MyToken PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client ));
                    126: GLOBAL CLIENT *Client_TopServer PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client ));
                    127: GLOBAL CLIENT *Client_NextHop PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client ));
                    128: GLOBAL char *Client_Away PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client ));
                    129: GLOBAL char *Client_AccountName PARAMS((CLIENT *Client));
                    130: GLOBAL time_t Client_StartTime PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client ));
                    132: GLOBAL bool Client_HasMode PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client, char Mode ));
                    133: GLOBAL bool Client_HasFlag PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client, char Flag ));
                    135: GLOBAL void Client_SetHostname PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client, const char *Hostname ));
                    136: GLOBAL void Client_SetIPAText PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client, const char *IPAText ));
                    137: GLOBAL void Client_SetID PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client, const char *Nick ));
                    138: GLOBAL void Client_SetUser PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client, const char *User, bool Idented ));
                    139: GLOBAL void Client_SetOrigUser PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client, const char *User ));
                    140: GLOBAL void Client_SetInfo PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client, const char *Info ));
                    141: GLOBAL void Client_SetType PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client, int Type ));
                    142: GLOBAL void Client_SetHops PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client, int Hops ));
                    143: GLOBAL void Client_SetToken PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client, int Token ));
                    144: GLOBAL void Client_SetModes PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client, const char *Modes ));
                    145: GLOBAL void Client_SetFlags PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client, const char *Flags ));
                    146: GLOBAL void Client_SetIntroducer PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client, CLIENT *Introducer ));
                    147: GLOBAL void Client_SetAway PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client, const char *Txt ));
                    148: GLOBAL void Client_SetAccountName PARAMS((CLIENT *Client, const char *AccountName));
                    150: GLOBAL bool Client_ModeAdd PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client, char Mode ));
                    151: GLOBAL bool Client_ModeDel PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client, char Mode ));
                    153: GLOBAL bool Client_CheckNick PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client, char *Nick ));
                    154: GLOBAL bool Client_CheckID PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client, char *ID ));
                    156: GLOBAL long Client_UserCount PARAMS(( void ));
                    157: GLOBAL long Client_ServiceCount PARAMS(( void ));
                    158: GLOBAL long Client_ServerCount PARAMS(( void ));
                    159: GLOBAL unsigned long Client_OperCount PARAMS(( void ));
                    160: GLOBAL unsigned long Client_UnknownCount PARAMS(( void ));
                    161: GLOBAL long Client_MyUserCount PARAMS(( void ));
                    162: GLOBAL long Client_MyServiceCount PARAMS(( void ));
                    163: GLOBAL unsigned long Client_MyServerCount PARAMS(( void ));
                    164: GLOBAL long Client_MaxUserCount PARAMS((  void ));
                    165: GLOBAL long Client_MyMaxUserCount PARAMS((  void ));
                    167: GLOBAL bool Client_IsValidNick PARAMS(( const char *Nick ));
                    169: GLOBAL WHOWAS *Client_GetWhowas PARAMS(( void ));
                    170: GLOBAL int Client_GetLastWhowasIndex PARAMS(( void ));
                    172: GLOBAL void Client_RegisterWhowas PARAMS(( CLIENT *Client ));
                    174: GLOBAL const char *Client_TypeText PARAMS((CLIENT *Client));
                    176: GLOBAL void Client_Reject PARAMS((CLIENT *Client, const char *Reason,
                    177:                                  bool InformClient));
                    178: GLOBAL void Client_Introduce PARAMS((CLIENT *From, CLIENT *Client, int Type));
                    180: GLOBAL void Client_UpdateCloakedHostname PARAMS((CLIENT *Client,
                    181:                                                 CLIENT *Originator,
                    182:                                                 const char *hostname));
                    185: #ifdef DEBUG
                    186: GLOBAL void Client_DebugDump PARAMS((void));
                    187: #endif
                    189: #endif
                    191: /* -eof- */
