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Annotation of ircnowd/src/ngircd/defines.h, Revision 1.1

1.1     ! tomglok     1: /*
        !             2:  * ngIRCd -- The Next Generation IRC Daemon
        !             3:  * Copyright (c)2001-2014 Alexander Barton (alex@barton.de) and Contributors.
        !             4:  *
        !             5:  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
        !             6:  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
        !             7:  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
        !             8:  * (at your option) any later version.
        !             9:  * Please read the file COPYING, README and AUTHORS for more information.
        !            10:  */
        !            11:
        !            12: #ifndef __defines_h__
        !            13: #define __defines_h__
        !            14:
        !            15: /**
        !            16:  * @file
        !            17:  * Global constants ("#defines") used by the ngIRCd.
        !            18:  */
        !            19:
        !            20:
        !            21: /* Internal flags */
        !            22:
        !            23: /** Flag: there is no connection. */
        !            24: #define NONE -1
        !            25:
        !            26: /** Flag: connection is (still) established. */
        !            27: #define CONNECTED true
        !            28:
        !            29: /** Flag: connection isn't established (any more). */
        !            30: #define DISCONNECTED false
        !            31:
        !            32: /** Tag for outbound server links. */
        !            33: #define TOKEN_OUTBOUND -2
        !            34:
        !            35:
        !            36: /* Generic buffer sizes */
        !            37:
        !            38: /** Max. length of a line in the configuration file. */
        !            39: #define LINE_LEN 1024
        !            40:
        !            41: /** Max. length of a log message. */
        !            42: #define MAX_LOG_MSG_LEN 256
        !            43:
        !            44: /** Max. length of file name. */
        !            45: #define FNAME_LEN 256
        !            46:
        !            47: /** Max. length of fully qualified host names (e. g. "abc.domain.tld"). */
        !            48: #define HOST_LEN 256
        !            49:
        !            50: /** Max. length of random salt */
        !            51: #define RANDOM_SALT_LEN 32
        !            52:
        !            53: /* Size of structures */
        !            54:
        !            55: /** Max. count of configurable servers. */
        !            56: #define MAX_SERVERS 64
        !            57:
        !            58: /** Max. number of WHOWAS list items that can be stored. */
        !            59: #define MAX_WHOWAS 64
        !            60:
        !            61: /** Size of default connection pool. */
        !            62: #define CONNECTION_POOL 100
        !            63:
        !            64: /** Size of buffer for PAM service name. */
        !            65: #define MAX_PAM_SERVICE_NAME_LEN 64
        !            66:
        !            67:
        !            68: /* Hard-coded (default) options */
        !            69:
        !            70: /** Delay after startup before outgoing connections are initiated in seconds. */
        !            71: #define STARTUP_DELAY 1
        !            72:
        !            73: /** Time to delay re-connect attempts in seconds. */
        !            74: #define RECONNECT_DELAY 3
        !            75:
        !            76: /** Configuration file name. */
        !            77: #define CONFIG_FILE "/ngircd.conf"
        !            78:
        !            79: /** Directory containing optional configuration snippets. */
        !            80: #define CONFIG_DIR "/ngircd.conf.d"
        !            81:
        !            82: /** Name of the MOTD file. */
        !            83: #define MOTD_FILE "/ngircd.motd"
        !            84:
        !            85: /** Name of the help file. */
        !            86: #define HELP_FILE "/Commands.txt"
        !            87:
        !            88: /** Default chroot() directory. */
        !            89: #define CHROOT_DIR ""
        !            90:
        !            91: /** Default file for the process ID. */
        !            92: #define PID_FILE ""
        !            93:
        !            94:
        !            95: /* Sizes of "IRC elements": nicks, users, ... */
        !            96:
        !            97: /** Max. length of an IRC ID (incl. NULL); see RFC 2812 section 1.1 and 1.2.1. */
        !            98: #define CLIENT_ID_LEN 64
        !            99:
        !           100: /** Default nick length (including NULL), see. RFC 2812 section 1.2.1. */
        !           101: #define CLIENT_NICK_LEN_DEFAULT 10
        !           102:
        !           103: /** Maximum nickname length (including NULL). */
        !           104: #define CLIENT_NICK_LEN 32
        !           105:
        !           106: /** Max. password length (including NULL). */
        !           107: #define CLIENT_PASS_LEN 65
        !           108:
        !           109: /** Max. length of user name ("login"; incl. NULL), RFC 2812, section 1.2.1. */
        !           110: #ifndef STRICT_RFC
        !           111: # define CLIENT_USER_LEN 20
        !           112: #else
        !           113: # define CLIENT_USER_LEN 10
        !           114: #endif
        !           115: /** Max. length of user names saved for authentication (used by PAM) */
        !           116: #ifdef PAM
        !           117: # define CLIENT_AUTHUSER_LEN 64
        !           118: #endif
        !           119:
        !           120: /** Max. length of "real names" (including NULL). */
        !           121: #define CLIENT_NAME_LEN 32
        !           122:
        !           123: /** Max. host name length (including NULL). */
        !           124: #define CLIENT_HOST_LEN 64
        !           125:
        !           126: /** Max. mask lenght (including NULL). */
        !           127: #define MASK_LEN (2 * CLIENT_HOST_LEN)
        !           128:
        !           129: /** Max. length of all client modes (including NULL). */
        !           130: #define CLIENT_MODE_LEN 21
        !           131:
        !           132: /** Max. length of server info texts (including NULL). */
        !           133: #define CLIENT_INFO_LEN 128
        !           134:
        !           135: /** Max. length of away messages (including NULL). */
        !           136: #define CLIENT_AWAY_LEN 128
        !           137:
        !           138: /** Max. length of client flags (including NULL). */
        !           139: #define CLIENT_FLAGS_LEN 16
        !           140:
        !           141: /** Max. length of a channel name (including NULL), see RFC 2812 section 1.3. */
        !           142: #define CHANNEL_NAME_LEN 51
        !           143:
        !           144: /** Max. length of channel modes (including NULL). */
        !           145: #define CHANNEL_MODE_LEN 21
        !           146:
        !           147: /** Max. IRC command length (including NULL), see. RFC 2812 section 3.2. */
        !           148: #define COMMAND_LEN 513
        !           149:
        !           150:
        !           151: /* Read and write buffer sizes */
        !           152:
        !           153: /** Size of the read buffer of a connection in bytes. */
        !           154: #define READBUFFER_LEN 2048
        !           155:
        !           156: /** Size that triggers write buffer flushing if more space is needed. */
        !           157: #define WRITEBUFFER_FLUSH_LEN 4096
        !           158:
        !           159: /** Maximum size of the write buffer of a connection in bytes. */
        !           160: #define WRITEBUFFER_MAX_LEN 1048576
        !           161:
        !           162: /** Maximum size of the write buffer of a server link connection in bytes. */
        !           163: #define WRITEBUFFER_SLINK_LEN 1048576
        !           164:
        !           165:
        !           166: /* IRC/IRC+ protocol */
        !           167:
        !           168: /** Implemented IRC protocol version, see RFC 2813 section 4.1.1. */
        !           169: #define PROTOVER "0210"
        !           170:
        !           171: /** Protocol suffix, see RFC 2813 section 4.1.1. */
        !           172: #define PROTOIRC "-IRC"
        !           173:
        !           174: /** Protocol suffix used by the IRC+ protocol, see <doc/Protocol.txt>. */
        !           175: #define PROTOIRCPLUS "-IRC+"
        !           176:
        !           177: #ifdef IRCPLUS
        !           178: /** Standard IRC+ flags. */
        !           179: # define IRCPLUSFLAGS "CHLMSX"
        !           180: #endif
        !           181:
        !           182: /** Supported user modes. */
        !           183: #define USERMODES "abBcCFiIoqrRswx"
        !           184:
        !           185: /** Supported channel modes. */
        !           186: #define CHANMODES "abehiIklmMnoOPqQrRstvVz"
        !           187:
        !           188: /** Supported channel types. */
        !           189: #define CHANTYPES "#&+"
        !           190:
        !           191: /** Away message for users connected to linked servers. */
        !           192: #define DEFAULT_AWAY_MSG "Away"
        !           193:
        !           194: /** Default ID for "topic owner". */
        !           195: #define DEFAULT_TOPIC_ID "-Server-"
        !           196:
        !           197: /** Prefix for NOTICEs from the server to users. Some servers use '*'. */
        !           198: #define NOTICE_TXTPREFIX ""
        !           199:
        !           200: /** Suffix for oversized messages that have been shortened and cut off. */
        !           201: #define CUT_TXTSUFFIX "[CUT]"
        !           202:
        !           203:
        !           204: /* Defaults and limits for IRC commands */
        !           205:
        !           206: /** Max. number of elemets allowed in channel invite and ban lists. */
        !           207: #define MAX_HNDL_CHANNEL_LISTS 50
        !           208:
        !           209: /** Max. number of channel modes with arguments per MODE command. */
        !           210: #define MAX_HNDL_MODES_ARG 5
        !           211:
        !           212: /** Max. number of targets per PRIVMSG/NOTICE/... command. */
        !           213: #define MAX_HNDL_TARGETS 25
        !           214:
        !           215: /** Max. number of WHO replies. */
        !           216: #define MAX_RPL_WHO 25
        !           217:
        !           218: /** Max. number of WHOIS replies. */
        !           219: #define MAX_RPL_WHOIS 10
        !           220:
        !           221: /** Default count of WHOWAS command replies. */
        !           222: #define DEF_RPL_WHOWAS 5
        !           223:
        !           224: /** Max count of WHOWAS command replies. */
        !           225: #define MAX_RPL_WHOWAS 25
        !           226:
        !           227:
        !           228: #endif
        !           229:
        !           230: /* -eof- */
