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Annotation of ircnowd/src/testsuite/README, Revision 1.1

1.1     ! tomglok     1:
        !             2:                      ngIRCd - Next Generation IRC Server
        !             3:
        !             4:                        (c)2001-2008 Alexander Barton,
        !             5:                     alex@barton.de, http://www.barton.de/
        !             6:
        !             7:                ngIRCd is free software and published under the
        !             8:                    terms of the GNU General Public License.
        !             9:
        !            10:                       -- README for the Test Suite --
        !            11:
        !            12:
        !            13: I. Overview
        !            14: ~~~~~~~~~~~
        !            15:
        !            16: The purpose of the "test suite" contained in this directory is to detect
        !            17: bugs and incompatibilities in ngIRCd introduced during coding and after
        !            18: building ngIRCd on a specific platform.
        !            19:
        !            20: To run the "standard" tests call "make check" (which runs "make check" in
        !            21: all the source directories, testing the "portab" library as well for example)
        !            22: or "make testsuite" (which only runs the tests in this directory). Both will
        !            23: build ngIRCd (if required) and run some tests on it. These tests should be
        !            24: portable and run on all supported platforms without errors.
        !            25:
        !            26: NOTE #1: most tests of this suite depend on the external tools expect(1)
        !            27: and telnet(1), so make sure you have them installed. If not, the tests will
        !            28: not fail but simply be skipped.
        !            29:
        !            30: NOTE #2: the two test servers started by this test suite are configured to
        !            31: run on port 6789 and 6790; so it will fail if one or both of these ports
        !            32: are already used by some other daemons!
        !            33:
        !            34:
        !            35: II. Shell Scripts
        !            36: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        !            37:
        !            38: getpid.sh <name>
        !            39:
        !            40:        This script is used to detect the PID of the running process with
        !            41:        the given name in a portable manner. The result is echoed on the
        !            42:        console. It is a helper script for some other scripts of this suite.
        !            43:
        !            44: start-server.sh [<id>]
        !            45:
        !            46:        start-server.sh starts up the test binary, "T-ngircd<id>" (the default
        !            47:        for <id> is 1) with configuration file "ngircd-test<id>.conf" and the
        !            48:        console output redirected to "ngircd-test<id>.log".
        !            49:        The script first makes sure that getpid.sh is available and working,
        !            50:        and that no other instance of the test binary is already running.
        !            51:        The exit code is 0 if the test binary could be started.
        !            52:
        !            53: stop-server.sh [<id>]
        !            54:
        !            55:        This script uses getpid.sh to detect a running test binary
        !            56:        "T-ngircd<id>" and then shuts it down using the TERM signal.
        !            57:        The exit code is 0 if the test binary could be stopped.
        !            58:
        !            59: stress-server.sh [<clientCount> [<maxConcurrent>]]
        !            60:
        !            61:        stress-server.sh starts <clientCount> clients that "stress" the
        !            62:        running test server (id 1); but no more than <maxConcurrent> clients
        !            63:        are started at the same moment.
        !            64:
        !            65: tests.sh
        !            66:
        !            67:        Most of the tests scripts are symlinked to tests.sh, which in turn
        !            68:        uses expect(1) to run the respective script <name>.e and checks
        !            69:        its exit code.
        !            70:
        !            71: test-loop.sh [<loops> [<wait>]]
        !            72:
        !            73:        This script runs all the tests <loops> times (default: 5) and pauses
        !            74:        <wait> seconds (default: 5) betweed runs.
        !            75:        It isn't used by "make check" or "make testsuite".
        !            76:
        !            77: wait-tests.sh [<max>]
        !            78:
        !            79:        stress-server.sh uses this script to ensure that no more than <max>
        !            80:        clients are connected to the test server (id 1).
        !            81:
        !            82:
        !            83: III. Scripts for expect(1)
        !            84: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        !            85:
        !            86: channel-test.e
        !            87: check-idle.e
        !            88: connect-test.e
        !            89: invite-test.e
        !            90: join-test.e
        !            91: kick-test.e
        !            92: message-test.e
        !            93: misc-test.e
        !            94: mode-test.e
        !            95: opless-channel-test.e
        !            96: server-link-test.e
        !            97: stress-A.e
        !            98: stress-B.e
        !            99: who-test.e
        !           100: whois-test.e
